Dad's a Spicy Meatball
Join Two Tired Meatballs as they attempt to bridge the 845 miles of distance between them with damfoolery, parenting stumbles and questions from other Meatballs around the globe. Climb on in to the crockpot with us, it smells real nice.
Dad's a Spicy Meatball
“Alright, So What’s In Your Escort Package?”
Dad's a Spicy Meatball
Season 1
Episode 44
The Meatballs Are Starting An Escort Service. In This Episode we discuss: When It’s Time For Hair Plugs, Vincent Gallo’s $50,000 Love, A Night With Corey For A G-Wagon, Oval Office Wrestling, The Real Life Pied Piper, and The Crockpot: from James in Arkansas, How Does An Introvert Dad Deal With An Extrovert Kid?